
     in_image = "ms1621sR"      Name of input image
    msk_image = "ms1621sR_m"    Name of input mask image
      in_list = "objects.xgal"  Name of input file

XGAL is used to simultaneously extract postage-size images from the science and segmentation images (in_image and msk_image respectively). in_list is a .xgal file created by the task GSCRIPTER. The format for in_list is as follows (one line per object):
x	y	exwidth		skybkg	scname	segname
where x and y are the object coordinates, exwidth will produce (2*exwidth+1) x (2*exwidth+1) postage-size images, skybkg is the local sky background measured by SExtractor, scname is the name of the output science postage-size image and segname is the name of the output segmentation postage-size image.

Last Update: 10 July 1997
Comments/questions to Luc.Simard(at)