
     in_image = "cl24w3tg4"     Name of input image
      in_file = "cl24w3tg4.gfxt" Name of input SExtracted file
   (out_file1 = "badjunk.xgal") Name of output XGAL file
   (out_file2 = "")   Name of output IRAF GIMFIT2D script
        (path = "/net/shamash/simard/") Directory path
        (seed = -22911)         Random generator seed
        (rmin = 12.)            Minimum extraction radius
       (earea = 20.)            Extraction area
      (varpsf = yes)            Are you using a different PSF for each object?
     (psfname = "")             PSF name to use when varpsf=no
        (mode = "q") 

GSCRIPTER operates on the catalog produced by SExtractor, and it has two functions: (1) creates an IRAF CL script that will control GIMFIT2D in batch mode, and (2) creates a file used by XGAL to extract postage-size images from the science and segmentation images. For more information, see the section about running SExtractor.

GSCRIPTER replaces the old GIMFITTER and XSTARTER tasks.

Parameter seed is an odd integer number that will seed the random generator producing seeds for all the Metropolis searches, and path is the path of the images that will be analyzed.

Parameter rmin is the minimum extraction radius around an object. The minimum extraction area will be (2*rmin+1) x (2*rmin+1). It is important to make sure that the minimum extraction area is larger than the area of the PSF image! Objects which are too close to the edge of the image (less than rmin pixels) are not analyzed.

Parameter earea gives the size of the extraction area as a multiple of the object's isophotal area (ISOAREA_IMAGE parameter in SExtractor). marea should be set to 20 in order to insure a good discrimination between sky background flux and galaxy flux in the bulge/disk decompositions (see GIMFIT2D for details).

If you plan on using the same PSF for all objects in the image, then varpsf should be set to no, and the PSF name should be specified with the parameter psfname.

The GIMFIT2D parameter values for mdparfile, initparam, dosym, dobkg, imscale, psftype, seeing, nsamp, ccdgain, nframe, and osamp written to the output IRAF GIMFIT2D script out_file2 by GSCRIPTER are read directly from the GIMFIT2D parameter set. You should set the values of those parameters by doing an epar on GIMFIT2D before running GSCRIPTER.

Last Update: 15 July 1997
Comments/questions to Luc.Simard(at)