Posts & Tutorials
▷ Direct Imaging Sample Data ▷ Deorbitting sandbox ▷ Orbit movies ▷ Official JuliaAstro tutorial series ▷ Fitting planet astrometry ▷ Orbit calculations ▷ Julia notes for astronomy ▷ Noise propagation in Fourier transform SpectrographsCode
AstroImages.jl Octofitter.jl SNAP PlanetOrbits.jl PairPlots.jl Aeron.jl Red-Pitaya Multi-Channel Analyser UIRecorded Talks
AstroImages.jl (JuliaCon 2022) Julia for Adaptive Optics (JuliaCon 2022) Adaptive Optics in Julia (JuliaCon 2021) Performance of the FAST self coherent camera (SPIE 2022,paywalled)Publications
Lights in Motion: Observing Nearby Planets with Imaging, Wavefront Sensing, Orbital Detection, and SpectroscopyFirst author
▷ Thompson, W., Lawrence, J., Blakely, D., et al, Octofitter: Fast, Flexible, and Accurate Orbit Modeling to Detect Exoplanets, AJ, 2023 ▷ Thompson, W., Marois, C., et al, Deep orbital search for additional planets in the HR8799 system, AJ, 2023 ▷ Thompson, W., Marois, C., Singh, G., et al, Performance of the Fast Atmospheric Self Coherent camera at the NEW-EARTH lab and a simplified measurement algorithm, SPIE, 2022