Luc Simard
Adjunct Assistant Professor
University of Victoria
Tu chantes les prairies, les vallons, les nuages, les étoiles, l'amour, toutes choses usées et dont on ne veut plus!
Quinsonnas à Michel - Jules Verne, Paris au XXe siècle
Address / Adresse:
Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Victoria
P.O. Box 3055
Victoria, BC, Canada
V8W 3P6
Luc.Simard (at)
Research Interests / Intérêts de recherche
Galaxy IMage 2D (GIM2D)
package: Quantitative galaxy morphology analysis package
Internal kinematics and morphology of distant galaxies
Surface Brightness Fluctuations: The IRAF/SBF Analysis Package
Adaptive Optics
Gamma-Ray Bursts
High-Velocity HI Clouds
ADS Abstract Service
Teaching / Enseignement
AST 511: Modern Techniques of Multi-Wavelength Astronomy - Spring 2006
Send comments/suggestions/problems to Luc.Simard (at)