Russell Robb
Senior Scientific Assistant
Teaching Astronomy
I would like to thank all the clever people who put their images and
animations on the web for teachers like me to use.
This is Nic's picture of Comet Lovejoy taken 14Jan2015 with a Celestron 8inch and a Canon 1100D(T3)
This is my picture of Comet ISON taken with the new DFM 0.8 meter telescope and CCD camera 16Nov2013
These are the fits files:
ISON 14:11 16Nov13
ISON 14:15 16Nov13
ISON 14:18 16Nov13
This is the sum of the previous picture and another one taken a few minutes later and processed by Dave Balam
Light Curve of the month
This is our observation of the eclipsing contact binary WASP1809
Research Interests
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Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Victoria
P.O. Box 3055
Victoria, BC, Canada
V8W 3P6