Invited Reviews
- Debris Disks Observations and Theory: incidence, structure and evolution
Jul 2013, "Protostars & Planets VI", Heidelberg, Germany
- Herschel Surveys of Debris Disks: Incidences, outcomes and surprises
Jun 2012,
"Origins of Stars and Planetary Systems" conference, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON
- Debris Disks: the first 30 years. Where will Herschel take us?
Sep 2010, "Herschel and the Formation of Stars and Planetary Systems", Gothenborg, Sweden
- SCUBA-2 prospects for dust linear polarization measurements
, Jul 2008, "The Cosmic Agitator - Magnetic Fields in the Galaxy", University of Kentucky, KY
- Polarimetry and Star Formation in the Submillimeter
Mar 2004, "Astronomical Polarimetry" conference, Kona, HI
- Toward A New Paradigm for Star Formation
Oct 2003, "A Festival for Frank Bash" meeting, University of Texas at Austin
Here are some of the talks (invited, contributed and public) which I
have given. Job talks and very recent talks on unpublished work are
not necessarily included.
- The Herschel DEBRIS Survey
May 2013, contributed, Canadian Astronomical Society Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC
- Herschel Surveys of Debris Disks: Incidences, Outcomes and Surprises
Sep 2012, invited, NASA Ames, Moffett Field, CA
- Searches for External Solar Systems: Victoria, worldwide and beyond
Jul 2012, public, Cowichan Star Party, Duncan, BC
- Resolving nearby debris disks with Herschel: a window into nearby Solar Systems
Nov 2011, invited, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, MA
- Herschel's view of debris disks
Oct 2011, invited, at the "Signposts of Planets" conference, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Baltimore, MD
- The Herschel DEBRIS Survey
May 2011, contributed, Canadian Astronomical Society Annual Meeting, London, ON
- Resolving nearby debris disks with Herschel: a window into nearby Solar Systems
Jan 2011, invited, Univeristy of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
- Resolving nearby debris disks with Herschel: a window into nearby Solar Systems
Oct 2010, invited, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA
- Finding External Solar Systems: from disks to planets and disks
Sep 2010, public, RASC talk, Star Party, Metchosin, BC
- Making and Revealing Planets: the power of discs around stars
Mar 2010, public, CSA Olympic Lecture Partnership, West Vancouver Public Library, Vancouver, BC
- Searchers for External Solar Systems: from Victoria to Hawaii and Beyond
Oct 2009, public, "Quantum Leaps Conference", Mid-Island Science, Technology & Innovation Council, Nanaimo, BC
- Grain Growth (and destruction) in protoplanetary (and debris) disks
Oct 2008, contributed, Band 1 Workshop at Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics, Victoria, Canada
- How we search for Extrasolar Planets
Oct 2008, public, National Science & Technology Week, Greater Victoria Public Library, Victoria, BC
- The DEBRIS Project: Searching for Kuiper Belts around the Nearest Stars with Herschel
Jul 2008, invited, "Advances in Far-IR Astronomy in Space", Special Session, 37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Montreal, QC
- Nearby Circumstellar Disks and the Search for Extrasolar Planets: Multiwavelength Surveys and Interferometric Facilities
Apr 2008, invited, Northwestern University, IL
- Debris Disks: An Open Time Key Project on the Herschel Space Observatory
Mar 2008, contributed, presented at Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics, Victoria, BC
- Careers in Astronomy
Mar 2008, public, MS Infinity Conference, St. Margaret's School, Gr. 6-12, Victoria, BC
- Debris Disks in the Far-IR: Detection and Characterization of Kuiper Belt Analogues
Feb 2008, contributed, presentation to the FIR DWG face-to-face meeting in Waterloo, ON
- A New Era in the Study of the Formation of Stars and Evolution of Disks: From individual case studies to large-scale surveys
Jul 2007, invited, Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics, Victoria, BC
- Synergy of ALMA with Herschel
Jun 2007, invited, "Transformational Science with ALMA: Through Disks to Stars and Planets", Charlottesville, VA
- Tricks of Resolution and Dynamics: A Disk-like Object that Isn't
Jun 2007, contributed, "Transformational Science with ALMA: Through Disks to Stars and Planets", Charlottesville, VA
- First Results from the Spitzer Gould Belt Legacy Survey
Jun 2007, contributed, at the annual meeting of the Canadian Astronomical Society, Kingston, ON, Canada
- Toward a Statistical Understanding of Star Formation: the Origin and Evolution of Stars and Disks
May 2007, invited, NRAO, Socorro, NM
- Debris Disks around Low-mass Stars: Why our nearest neighbours may host the most interesting disks
Feb 2007, invited, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
- Debris Disks Around Low Mass Stars: Frequency, Grain Growth and the Search for Planets
Feb 2007, invited, NRAO, Charlottesville, VA
- Debris Disks around Low-mass Stars: Environments, planet formation and grain growth
Jan 2007, invited, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON
- Debris Disks around Low-mass Stars: Environments, planet formation and grain growth,
Jan 2007, invited, University of Western Ontario, London, ON
- The Class 0 Source Barnard 1c: Most Recent Results...
November 2006, contributed, "Science With ALMA" meeting, Madrid, Spain
- On the Origins of Star, Disks and Planets: From Individual
Case Studies to Unbiased Surveys
July 2006, invited, St. Andrews, Scotland
- Women in Canadian Astronomy: 2000-2005
June 2006, invited, Special Session, AAS, Calgary, AB,
- New SMA and JCMT Results on the Remarkable Class 0 Source
Barnard 1c
June 2006, contributed, Canadian Annual Meeting, Calgary, AB
- The JCMT Debris Disk Legacy Survey: The Calm Before the
May 2006, contributed, "From Protostellar Disks to Planetary
Systems", London, ON, Canada
- New SMA and JCMT Results on the Remarkable Class 0 Source
Barnard 1c
May 2006, contributed, "Complex Molecules in Space: Present Status
and Prospects with ALMA", Denmark
- A Closer Look at Some Familiar Messier Objects
May 2006, public, RASC Victoria Star Party, Victoria, BC
- Barnard 1-c: Understanding this Ver1y Young
Protostellar Core in Perseus
September 2005, invited, RAL Seminar, UC Berkeley
- Star Formation in the Era of ALMA: Polarimetry,
Spectroscopy and Continuum Imaging
February 2005, invited, Colloquium, Cornell University
- The Vega Phenomenon down to the Substellar Limit: Riding on the
AU Microscopii Bandwagon
January 2005, invited, Seminar, Leiden Observatory
- Magnetic Fields and Star Formation
April 2004, job talk, University of Hertfordshire
- Polarimetry and Star Formation in the Submillimeter
March 2004, invited review, "Astronomical Polarimetry"
- Magnetic Fields and Other Secrets of Interstellar Dust
November 2003, invited, Colloquium, California State University,
- Is the Magnetic Field Preserved During Core Formation?
July 2003, contributed, "High Resolution Star Formation", IAU,
Sydney, Australia
- Polarization of
Interstellar Clouds
June 2003, invited, "New Millimeter
Arrays" session at URSI/IEEE meeting, Columbus,
- Magnetic Fields in Star-Forming Molecular Clouds: Some Results
from SCUBA Polarimetry
November 2002, invited, Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii
- New Insights into Dust grain Physics: The Polarization Spectrum
of the OMC-1 Core
, August 2002, contributed,
Astrochemistry as a Diagnostic of Star Formation, Waterloo, ON, Canada.
- The Polarization Spectrum of OMC-1 and Its Importance in
Understanding Grain Physics
June 2002, contributed, Canadian Annual Meeting, Penticton, B.C., Canada.
- Dust Polarimetry in Star-Forming Clouds: Is it the Smoking Gun
in Understanding Magnetic Field Geometries?
November 2001, NASA Ames Center for Star Formation Seminar Series
- Star-Forming Clouds: Modeling Three Dimensional Magnetic
Fields with Two Dimensional Polarimetry
May 2001, contributed, Canadian Annual Meeting, McMaster University,
Hamilton, ON, Canada. Click to view abstract, (17k).
- Submillimetre Polarization Observations: A Window on Magnetic
Field Geometry in Molecular/Dark Clouds
February 2001, contributed, Star Formation Jamboree,
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
- Magnetic Fields in Star-Forming Molecular Clouds
January 2001, dissertation talk, AAS, San Diego, CA, U.S.A.
- Magnetic Field Structures in Filaments and Dark Clouds
November 2000, invited, University of Western Ontario
- Sub-mm Polarimetry of Star-Forming Regions in Orion B
June 2000, contributed, CASCA
2000, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
(presented for G. Schieven).
- Polarized Emission from Star-Forming Regions
February 2000, invited, Canadian Institute for Theoretical
Astrophysics' Star Formation Seminar Series
- Magnetic Field Structure in Orion A's OMC3 Filament
June 1999, contributed, Canadian Annual Meeting, St. Mary's
University, Halifax, NS, Canada. Click to view abstract, (15k).
- Herschel Observations of the HR 8799 Disk
Matthews, B., Kennedy, G., Sibthorpe, B., Booth, M., Broekhoven-Fiene, H., Wyatt, M., Macintosh, B., & Marois, C., at the "IAU Symposium 299: Exploring the Formation and Evolution of Planets" conference, 2013, Victoria, BC
- Herschel's DEBRIS -- An Update on the Search for Kuiper Belts Around the Nearest Stars
Butner, Matthews & The DEBRIS Team, at the AAS, 2011, Seattle, WA
- A Resolved Debris Disk around F085 using Herschel
Broekhoven-Fiene, Matthews & Qi, at the "Extending the Limits of Astrophysics Spectroscopy" conference, 2011, Victoria, BC
- The Herschel Survey: Detecting debris disks around nearby main-sequence stars
Broekhoven-Fiene, Matthews, Kavelaars & The DEBRIS Team, at the annual meeting of the Canadian Astronomical Society, 2010, St. Mary's University, Halifax, NS
- Submillimeter Polarimetry of Molecular Clouds from Mauna Kea
Vaillancourt, J., & Matthews, B. at the AAS Meeting #213, 2009,
BAAS, 41, 459..
- Stellar Ages Of The Debris Sample Stars
Butner, H., McCauley, P., Simonson, D., Matthews, B., Greaves, J.,
Duchene, G., Graham, J., Harvey, P., Kalas, P., Wilner, D., & Zuckerman, B.
at the AAS Meeting #213, 2009, BAAS, 41, 209.
- Results of a 200-hour BIMA Array Key Project to Study Gas
Dynamics in the rho Ophiuchi Cores
Matthews, B., Di Francesco,
J., & Fissel, L. at the "ALMA 2006 Meeting" conference, November
13-17, 2006, Madrid, Spain. Download a copy of the poster or a smaller
- A Molecular Line Study of the Powerful Outlfow Source Barnard
Matthews, B., Bergin, E., Hogerheijde, M., & Jorgensen, J.
at the "Protostars & Planets V" conference, October 24-28, 2005,
Waikoloa, HI
- Extended CO Emission in the Environs of the HAeBe Stars LkHa
198 and LkHa 225S
Matthews, B., Graham, J., Kalas, P., &
Perrin, M. at "Protostars & Planets V", October 24-28, 2005,
Waikoloa, HI
- Debris Disks around M Dwarfs: TWA 7 & GJ 182
B., & Kalas, P. at "Protostars & Planets V" conference, October
24-28, 2005, Waikoloa, HI
- Legacy Surveys with the JCMT: The SCUBA-2 Debris Disk
Holland, W., Matthews, B., Greaves, J. et al. at
"Protostars & Planets V" conference, October 24-28, 2005, Waikoloa,
- Legacy Surveys with the JCMT: The SCUBA-2 Local Star Formation
Johnstone, D., Di Francesco, J., Matthews, B.,
Ward-Thompson, D., Nutter, D., Hatchell, J., Hogerheijde, M., Greaves,
J, Buckle, J., & Richer, J. at "Protostars & Planets V"
conference, October 24-28, 2005, Waikoloa, HI
- A Molecular Line Study of the Recently Discovered Class 0
source Barnard 1-c
Matthews, B., Hogerheijde, M., & Bergin,
E. at the conference IAU Symposium 231: "Astrochemistry Throughout
the Universe -- Recent Successes and Current Challenges", August 29 -
September 2, 2005, Asilomar, CA, USA and at the conference "Revealing
the Molecular Universe -- One Telescope Is Never Enough", September
10-11, 2005, Berkeley, CA
- Dynamics of a Newly Discovered Young Stellar Object with a
Prominent Jet
Matthews, B., Hogerheijde, M., & Bergin, E.
"Submillimeter Astronomy in the Era of the SMA", June 13-16, 2005,
Cambridge, MA
- Is the Magnetic Field Preserved During Core Formation?
Matthews, B.C., Lai, S.-P., Crutcher, R.M., & Wilson, C.D.
IAU Symposium 221 "Star Formation at High Angular Resolution", July 22-25, 2003,
Sydney, Australia
- Resolving Magnetic Fields Within Molecular Outflow Lobes with the
Matthews, B., Fiege, J., Greaves, J., & Moriarty-Schieven, G.
IAU Symposium 221 "Star Formation at High Angular
Resolution", June 12-16, 2003, Sydney, Australia
- Resolving Magnetic Fields Within Molecular Outflow Lobes with the
Matthews, B., Fiege, J., Greaves, J. & Moriarty-Schieven, G.
"Magnetic Fields in Star Formation", April 21-25, 2003, Madrid,
- Is the Magnetic Field Geometry Preserved During Core
Matthews, B. "Magnetic Fields in Star
Formation", April 21-25, 2003, Madrid, Spain
- Probing Dust Grain Physics with Multi-wavelength Polarimetry:
The OMC-1 Core
Matthews, B.C., Chuss, D., Dotson, J., Dowell,
C.D., Hildebrand, R., Johnstone, D., & Vaillancourt, J. Star
Formation Workshop, June 12-16, 2002, ASIAA & Taroko, Taiwan.
- Polarimetry of Star-Forming Clouds and Cores on Multiple
Spatial Scales
Matthews, B.C., Fiege, J.D., Greaves, J.S. &
Wilson, C.D. AAS Winter Meeting 2002 Washington D.C.
- Magnetic Fields in Star-Forming Clouds: How Can FIRST
Matthews, B.C., Wilson, C.D., & Fiege, J.D. The
Promise of the Herschel Space Observatory, December 2000, Toledo,
- Star Formation and Magnetic Field Structure along the OMC-3
Ridge in Orion A
Matthews, B.C., & Wilson, C. D. CASCA 2000,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Click to
view abstract, (16k).
- Magnetic Fields in Star-Forming Molecular Clouds: JCMT
Polarimetry of OMC-3 in Orion A
Matthews, B.C., & Wilson, C. D.
1999, 33rd ESLAB Symposium: Star Formation from the Small to the
Large Scale. ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, November 1-5.
. Click to view abstract,
- Magnetic Fields in Star-Forming Molecular Clouds: JCMT
Polarimetry of OMC-3 in Orion A
Matthews, B.C., & Wilson, C. D.
1999, SOFIA Star Formation Workshop. University of California at
Santa Cruz, July 12-17. . Click to view abstract, (39k).
A Fantastic Polarization Map of OMC3 in Orion A
B.C., & Wilson, C. D. 1998, CITA Workshop, Gravitational
Collapse. Toronto, ON Canada. Click to view abstract, (46k).
Protostars in the Molecular ISM: Probing their Structure with SCUBA
at the JCMT
Matthews, B.C., & Wilson, C. D. International
Workshop on the Interstellar Medium, 1998, Naramata, BC,
Canada. Click to view abstract, (46k).
Probing Protostellar Envelopes: RNO 43 and Other Class 0 Sources
Matthews, B.C., & Wilson, C. D.
Protostars & Planets IV, 1998, Santa Barbara, CA, U.S.A.
Click to view abstract (78k).
Mapping Protostars with SCUBA: The First Images
Matthews, B.C., & Wilson, C.D.
CASCA 1998, Quebec City, QC, Canada.
Detection of the Spectacular Outflow Source NGC 2264G at
Millimeter Wavelengths
Matthews, B.C., & Wilson, C. D.
CASCA 1997, Edmonton, AB, Canada.
Casper: A Spooky Supernova Remnant-Pulsar Association?
Matthews, B.C., Wallace, B.J., & Taylor, A.R.
AAS Meeting #189, 1997, Toronto, ON.
Casper: A Spooky Supernova Remnant-Pulsar Association?
Matthews, B.C., Wallace, B.J., & Taylor, A.R.
CASCA 1996, Kingston Ont. and Second Naramata Summer School
on the Interstellar Medium 1996, Naramata B.C. 1996, JRASC, vol 90,
no 5/6, pg 326. Click to view abstract,