Download Individual Talks |
| Category | Title |
Day 1     |
| Overview | Basic Radio Astronomy (Sean Dougherty, DRAO) |
| Overview | Continuum Observing in the Submm/mm (Tracy Webb, McGill) |
| JCMT | SCUBA-2 (Mark Halpern, UBC) |
| JCMT | SCUBA-2 Mapping (Andy Gibb, UBC) |
| Overview | Molecular Line Observations (Rene Plume, Calgary) |
| JCMT | HARP-B/ACSIS: A B-Band Survey "Camera" (Russell Redman, HIA) |
| Overview | Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (David Naylor, Lethbridge) |
| JCMT | FTS-2: An FTS for use with SCUBA-2 (David Naylor, Lethbridge) |
Day 2     |
| Overview | Polarimetry in the Submillimetre (Martin Houde, UWO) |
| JCMT | The Next Generation of JCMT Polarimeters: POL-2 and ROVER (Brenda Matthews, HIA) |
| JCMT | JCMT Legacy Surveys, Data Management and Science with Archival Data (Russell Redman, HIA) |
| Overview | Data Visualization (JJ Kavelaars, HIA) |
| Herschel | The Herschel Space Observatory (James Di Francesco, HIA) |
| Herschel | PACS and SPIRE: Photometers for Herschel (Peter Martin, U of T) |
| Herschel | HIFI: the high resolution spectrometer for Herschel (Mike Fich, Waterloo) |
| Overview | Future Submillimeter Missions (Mike Fich, Waterloo) |
Day 3     |
| Overview | Basics of Interferometry and Interferometric Calibration (Claire Chandler, NRAO, Socorro) |
| Overview | Imaging and Deconvolution (David Wilner, Harvard-Smithsonian CfA) |
Day 4     |
| ALMA | ALMA and the North American ALMA Science Center (Crystal Brogan, NRAO/NAASC) |
| ALMA | Observing with ALMA (Lewis Knee, HIA) |
| eSMA | eSMA: the SMA-JCMT-CSO array (David Wilner, Harvard-Smithsonian CfA) |
| EVLA | The EVLA Project (Sean Dougherty, DRAO) |
| Overview | Paths to Effective Scientific Proposals and Collaborations (James Di Francesco, HIA) |
Download Groups of Talks |
| By Day | Day 1 (INCOMPLETE! 146 MB gzipped tar file) |
| | Day 2 (92 MB gzipped tar file) |
| | Day 3 (12 MB gzipped tar file) |
| | Day 4 (74 MB gzipped tar file) |
| By Category | Overview (183 MB gzipped tar file) |
| | JCMT (INCOMPLETE! 76 MB gzipped tar file) |
| | Herschel (15.5 MB gzipped tar file) |
| | Interferometers (ALMA, EVLA, eSMA) (70 MB gzipped tar file) |
Download Group Photo |
| | 600 dpi image (300 kB) |
Supplemental Material (from CD Rom) |
| | Molecular Spectroscopy (2.7 MB, provided by Rene Plume) |
| | Introduction to FTS (3.7
MB, provided by David Naylor) |
| | MIRIAD Data Reduction
(373 MB, provided by Brenda Matthews) |
| | Star + Dust Model (to be provided by Mark Halpern) |