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Akashi, M. et al. (4 authors) 2015, MNRAS 453, 2115. Forming equatorial rings around dying stars.

Antonini, F. 2016, ApJ 816, 65. BH mergers and blue stragglers from hierarchical triples formed in globular clusters. (8ac)

Arreaga-García, G. 2016, RMxAA 52, 155. Formation of binary via fragmentation of rotating parent core.

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Bodman, E.H.L., Quillen, A. 2015, MNRAS 453, 2387. Infrared variability from circumbinary disc temperature modulations.

Cambier, H. 2015, MNRAS 452, 3620. Agitating mass transfer with a warped disc's shadow.

Cao, X. 2016, ApJ 817 (1), 71. An AD-outflow model for hysteretic state transition in x-ray binaries. (8ab)

Chen, H.-L. et al. (5 authors) 2015, MNRAS 453, 3024. Population synthesis of accreting WDs - II. x-ray and UV emission.

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Fu, Y.-Y. et al. (8 authors) 2016, ChA&A 40, 20. Accretion acceleration of NSs and effects of gravitational radiation.

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Russ Robb 2016-06-20