Julio Navarro
Publication List
  1. ``Spherical Galaxy Collisions: Head-On Encounters'', Navarro, J.F. and Mosconi, M.B. 1989,  The Astrophysical Journal,   336, 669.
  2. ``Merging Encounters between Equal-Mass Non-Rotating Galaxies'',  Navarro, J.F. 1989,  M.N.R.A.S.,  239, 257.
  3. ``On the Density Structure of Galaxy Merger Remnants'', Navarro, J.F. 1990,  M.N.R.A.S.,  242, 311.
  4. ``Dynamics of Cooling Gas in Galactic Dark Halos'', Navarro, J.F. and Benz, W. 1991,  The Astrophysical Journal,  380, 320.
  5. ``Dissipative Galaxy Formation in Hierarchically Clustering Universes I: Tests of the Code'', Navarro, J.F. and White,  S.D.M. 1993,  M.N.R.A.S.,  265, 271.
  6. ``The Baryon Content of Galaxy Clusters: A Challenge to Orthodox Cosmology'' White, S.D.M., Navarro, J.F., Evrard, A.E., and Frenk, C.S.  1993,  Nature,  366, 429.
  7. ``Simulations of Dissipative Galaxy Formation in a Cold Dark Matter Universe'', Navarro, J.F. 1992, in  Structure, Dynamics and  Chemical Evolution of Elliptical Galaxies, Danziger, I.J., Zeilinger, W.W., and Kj\"ar (eds.)  (ESO Conference and Workshop Proceedings 45).
  8. ``A Recipe for Galaxy Formation'', Cole, S., Arag\'on, A., Frenk,  C.S., Navarro, J.F., and Zepf, S. 1994,  M.N.R.A.S.,  271,  781.
  9. ``Dissipative Galaxy Formation in Hierarchically Clustering  Universes II: Dynamics of the Baryonic Component in Galactic Halos'',  Navarro, J.F. and White, S.D.M. 1994,  M.N.R.A.S.,  267,  401.
  10. ``Accretion of Satellite Galaxies and the Density of the Universe'', Navarro, J.F., Frenk, C.S., and White, S.D.M. 1994,  M.N.R.A.S.,  267, L1.
  11. ``Mergers and Galaxy Formation'', Navarro, J.F. 1994. Invited talk  at the UNAM-CRAY Supercomputer Conference on  Numerical  Simulations in Astrophysics, J.J. Franco (ed.), (Cambridge University  Press: Cambridge), p.53.
  12. ``X-ray Clusters in the CDM cosmogony'', Navarro, J.F. 1994, in   NATO ASI Cosmological Aspects of Clusters of Galaxies, W. Seitter (ed.), (Kluwer: Dordrecht), p.313.
  13. ``Galaxy Formation in a Variety of Hierarchical Models'', Heyl, J.S., Cole S., Frenk C.S., and Navarro, J.F., 1995,   M.N.R.A.S. ,  274, 755.
  14. ``Dynamics of the Baryonic Component in Hierarchically Clustering Universes'', Navarro, J.F. 1992, in  The Evolution of Galaxies and their Environment, Hollenbach, D., Thronson, H., and Shull,  J.M. (eds.) (NASA Conference Publication 3190).
  15. ``The Assembly of Galaxies in a Hierarchically Clustering Universe'', Navarro, J.F., Frenk, C.S., and White, S.D.M. 1995,   M.N.R.A.S.,  275, 56.
  16. ``Simulations of X-Ray Clusters'', Navarro, J.F., Frenk, C.S., and  White, S.D.M. 1995,  M.N.R.A.S.,  275, 720.
  17. ``Cluster Selection and Clustering'', Eke, V.R., Cole, S.M., Frenk, C.S., and Navarro, J.F. 1996,  M.N.R.A.S.,  281, 703.
  18. ``The Structure of Cold Dark Matter Halos'', Navarro, J.F., Frenk,  C.S., and White, S.D.M. 1996,  The Astrophysical Journal,   462, 563.
  19. ``Mass Estimates of X-Ray Clusters'', Evrard, A.E., Metzler, C.A., and Navarro, J.F. 1996,  The Astrophysical Journal,  469, 494.
  20. ``Simulations of Galactic Chemical Evolution. I. O and Fe Abundances  in a Simple Collapse Model'', Raiteri, C.M., Villata, M., and Navarro,  J.F. 1996,  Astronomy \& Astrophysics,  315, 105.
  21. ``The Cores of Dwarf Galaxy Halos'', Navarro, J.F., Eke, V.R., and  Frenk, C.S. 1996,  M.N.R.A.S.,  283, L72.
  22. ``Galaxy Formation in Hierarchical Clustering Universes'', Navarro,  J.F., 1995. Invited Review at the 11th IAP Meeting, ``The Interplay  between Massive Star Formation, the ISM and Galaxy Evolution'', eds.  Kunth, D.  et al., (Paris, Editions Frontieres), p.457.
  23. ``The Effects of Photoionization on the Formation of Disk Galaxies'',  Navarro, J.F., and Steinmetz, M. 1997,  The Astrophysical Journal, March 20 issue (astro-ph/9605043).
  24. ``A Universal Density Profile from Hierarchical Clustering'', Navarro,  J.F., Frenk, C.S., and White, S.D.M. 1996,  The Astrophysical  Journal, submitted (astro-ph/9611107).
  25. ``Simulations of X-ray Clusters in a Low-Density Flat CDM Universe'',  Eke, V.R., Navarro, J.F., and Frenk, C.S. 1997, in preparation.
  26. ``Cosmological Constraints from Rotation Curves of Disk Galaxies'',  Navarro, J.F., 1996, in ``Dark and Visible Matter in Galaxies and  Cosmological Implications'' (PASP Conference Series), eds. M.Persic and P. Salucci, in press.
  27. ``Gravitational Lensing Effects of Galaxy Clusters'', Navarro, J.F.,  and Bartelmann, M., 1997, in preparation.